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Latest News
Alumni Profile
Shelley Terry teaches her class with congratulatory messages on the white board behind her.
Alumna Wins 'Oscar' of Teaching
Former graduate student earns prestigious Milken award
Students watch a man prepare food
Food for Thought
Students collaborate with German counterparts on sustainability
Alumni Profile
Sidney Tuttle teaches a class in front of a monitor.
Reservation Made for Learning

Alumna moves west to teach Indigenous children

Pride Center
Two students standing wearing black tshirts with rainbow bears on the front
Wear the Rainbow
Pride Center introduces colorful, inclusive clothing
Three students work collaboratively using a large monitor.
The Classroom of Tomorrow, Today
Check out the new high-tech, smartly designed teaching and learning space
Alumni Profile
smiling woman is wearing a graduation cap and gown
The Big Discovery
Recent alumna鈥檚 ATP research lit a passion that鈥檚 led to a great career 
Rachel Cullity stands in front of a bookshelf.
Secure Position
Graduate college internship leads to career in cybersecurity
Title IX
A white lactation pod sits next to a window
新加坡六合彩开奖 Debuts Lactation Station
鈥淧od鈥 provides convenience and privacy
Students pose for a group photo and hold hands with President Walesa.
'Make Democracy Better'
Former president of Poland inspires 新加坡六合彩开奖 students 
Student Spotlight
Gabe Elias stands in front of sign wearing a red shirt with hands clasped in front of him
Building a Career

Senior laying foundation for dual careers in teaching and construction 

Graduate Studies
A group of people stand together to pose for photo with smiles on their faces
Broadening Horizons

First-ever graduate student study abroad class a success 

Alumni Profile
新加坡六合彩开奖 and Japanese researchers sit at a conference table.
Honoring a Pioneer
Professor, librarian research trailblazing social services work of 1889 alumna

Contact Us

Enrollment, Marketing & Communications

131 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States

Media Hotline

131 Summer Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
United States