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Blooming Career

Meet the campus’ new greenhouse manager

Last spring, Emma Welch brought her love of plants to ¼ϲʿ when she was hired as the school’s greenhouse manager.

For those unfamiliar with the campus’ greenhouse, it is located in the Stearns McNamara Memorial Garden, which sits between the ¼ϲʿ Welcome Center and Dana Mohler-Faria Science and Mathematics Center.

“Not many people know about the greenhouse but I’m always looking for ways to make it more visible,” Welch said.

Welch holds a degree in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry from UMass Amherst and a master’s degree from Unity Environmental University in environmental studies and sustainability focused on sustainable greenhouse practices.

She looks to share with the ¼ϲʿ campus community her love of plants and to bring awareness to all the greenhouse offers.

Can you summarize your career path that led you to your current position here at ¼ϲʿ?

I've always loved plants, animals, and the natural world, and started working with tropical plants in 2016.

Before that I had a few different retail and office jobs that didn't really feel exciting or special to me, so I wanted to try something that I was passionate about and that made better use of my educational background.

I started out working in interior plant maintenance taking care of plants in offices, nursing homes, malls, etc. I also managed the greenhouse as a part of that job and worked to address pest and inventory issues.

The next position I worked in was in a commercial greenhouse, and I was responsible for begonias, orchids, and other rare tropical plants.

When it was time to move on from that position, I found the greenhouse manager position here at ¼ϲʿ and I jumped at the chance! 

Why did you choose this career path? 

First of all, I love plants! I find a lot of satisfaction caring for plants and working to address the many issues they can have.

I also like to experiment with propagation, feeding, beneficial insects, and environments. It's nice to work with something that takes time to grow and bloom, and it's really rewarding to see a healthy, blooming plant that was grown from seed or a small cutting.

Before ¼ϲʿ, I had never worked in higher education, and I was excited to share the greenhouse with students, faculty, and staff. This position is a great way to spend time stewarding the growth of the plants as well as the growth of students and others in our campus community.

Can you please share what your main responsibilities are as greenhouse manager? 

I am responsible for everything in the greenhouse! I water, fertilize, prune, and propagate the plants. I also address pest issues, test equipment, manage the social media (follow the greenhouse on Instagram and TikTok!), host tours and events, and maintain and update inventories and other records.

I also end up cleaning a lot, because sanitation is really important in an enclosed space like a greenhouse!

How is the ¼ϲʿ greenhouse utilized here at ¼ϲʿ? 

The greenhouse is part of the Biological Sciences Department, so various classes and professors use the space either for class visits and experiments or long-term research.

Additionally, other departments are welcome to tour and visit the space.

Art and English classes have come to gather inspiration for projects, and I'm happy to work with other interested parties to see how the greenhouse can be utilized as a resource!

I also host events and open houses for visitors and participate in other events that bring visitors to ¼ϲʿ.

Can members of the ¼ϲʿ community visit the greenhouse? 

Yes, definitely!  When you see the ‘OPEN’ sign, feel free to come in and check it out! For a larger group, such as a class or club, reach out to me to set up a time to visit. 

Are there any special events or programs coming up?

I am planning some fun events for the upcoming year, including the creation of a big terrarium and a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the great new sign for the greenhouse!

What do you like best about your job? 

I love being able to share the greenhouse with those who enjoy plants, and it's really fun when visitors recognize a plant from their home that they haven't seen in a while. Also, I'm so happy to be surrounded by plants all the time!

What do you like best about working at ¼ϲʿ? 

I work with great colleagues and have been given the opportunity to take responsibility for the greenhouse and making it a part of the campus community.

What is a fun fact or two about yourself you'd like to share? 

In my free time I like to knit, read, and hike. I also have a rubber tree at home that is over 20 years old!

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. Audrey Hepburn said that, and I love it!

Do you have a ¼ϲʿ story you'd like to share? Email stories@bridgew.edu