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Positive Posts

Peer Educators and Outreach Education promote self-care

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News Feature

On the bathroom mirror on the second floor of Boyden Hall, Post-it Notes with positive affirmations greet those staring at their reflection.

“Everyone deserves to feel beautiful,” reads one. Another: “You’re super cute!”

Other notes sharing similar sentiments were scattered throughout campus as part of the ¼ϲʿ Peer Educators and Outreach Education’s Love Your Body week.

Outreach Education Coordinator Ann M. Doyle started the Love Your Body initiative in 2011. Since then, each February, different activities are offered during the week-long campaign to encourage overall health.

“The week is about promoting self-care, helping students learn to take of themselves and their bodies, including both the physical and emotional,” said Ms. Doyle, a certified health promotion specialist.

The Post-it notes were inspired by , an online campaign that encourages the display of positive anonymous notes in public places.

“The Post-it Notes always get good responses,” Ms. Doyle said. “We had a parent who was here for a meeting and saw the notes, and then sent (a message) to thank us.”

Other events during Love Your Body week included setting up a “Portion-Sized Pitfall” informational table that displayed healthy portion size visuals and tips.

For example, Ms. Doyle said, “At many restaurants, you should only eat half the meal.”

Students were invited to make self-care jars filled with affirmations to be used later as motivation to stay positive. A “Sugar Shock” table was also set up to educate students on the amount of sugar found in many of their favorite snacks and drinks.

Love Your Body week may be over, but Ms. Doyle said Outreach Education continues to offer programs throughout the year to help students with self-care tips and ideas.

Coloring for Calm is offered on Wednesdays through April 25 from 3 to 4 p.m. in Weygand 1048. The coloring workshop’s goal is to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Walk for Wellness kicks off Wednesday March 14 at 4:30 p.m. Those interested can meet at the front doors of Weygand Hall. Once gathered, the group will venture off to walk nearby trails.

Maintaining overall health is crucial to helping students find success, Ms. Doyle said. 

“Our students understand the importance of maintaining wellness,” she said. (Story and photo by Heather Harris Michonski, University News)

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