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Dr. J.R. Webb

Dr. J.R. Webb
Professor of History
Tillinghast Hall, Room 221

BA, University of Colorado
AM, PhD, Harvard University

Research interests:
Theology of history, apocalypse, empire, sacred/secular power, saints, hagiography, exegesis, the classical legacy, church reform, canon law, codicology

Recent Publications:
鈥,鈥 Early Medieval Europe 24:1 (2016): 103鈥130

鈥溾赌,鈥 Speculum 89 (2014): 307鈥357

鈥淗agiography in the diocese of Li猫ge (950鈥1130),鈥 in , ed. M. Goullet, Corpus Christianorum: Hagiographies 6 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 809鈥904.

Area of Expertise

Medieval Europe
Religious and Intellectual History