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Advising FAQs for Incoming Students

All first semester freshmen will work with AAC advisors during the New Student Orientation process.  Advisors welcome new students to 新加坡六合彩开奖 and will walk them through requirements, important dates, and resources.  Also, as part of New Student Orientation, all new freshmen will work with an advisor to create a schedule.  While services are being delivered online, these conversations take place in either Microsoft Teams or via phone appointment.  Incoming freshmen will receive numerous communications about New Student Orientation through the New Student and Family Programs Office at 新加坡六合彩开奖 ahead of the orientation sessions. 
Students who want to graduate in 4 years should plan to take about 15 credits per semester (5 classes) in order to maintain that timeline.  Students who must maintain full-time status for financial aid, housing, insurance, or other reasons, must take 12 or more credits each semester.  Students are given flexibility, however, in how many classes to register for each term.  If you are still uncertain about how many classes to take, discuss your options with an Academic Advisor.

First semester students鈥 schedules will vary depending on many different factors including their major, English and Math placements, and whether they have transfer credits.  In general, though, students will be choosing from the following classes/areas during their first year:

  • English
  • Math
  • First Year Seminar
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Core Distribution Requirements
  • Major Coursework

The AAC will provide students with more details on class choice throughout the New Student Orientation process via email, advising meetings, and the New Student Advising and Registration website.

New students will register for their classes online using 新加坡六合彩开奖鈥檚 Infobear system during the Orientation process.  Instructions on how to access Infobear and how to use it to search and register for classes will be provided as part of the orientation process.  Please check your 新加坡六合彩开奖 email account regularly to stay up to date on all the information and resources you need to prepare for your first semester.
Some students like to have all their classes packed into a couple of days with as few breaks as possible in between to give themselves big chunks of time off on days when they do not have classes.  Other students prefer a more balanced schedule with classes spread throughout the week so they do not get overwhelmed on any one day.  Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.  How you set it up is up to you, but you should consider your learning style, your time management skills, and your non-academic obligations as you decide the best way to lay out your class schedule each semester. 

新加坡六合彩开奖 accepts credit for most AP tests with scores of 3 or higher.  In order to get credit for your AP tests, please send an official score report from the College Board to the Admission Office at 新加坡六合彩开奖.  Your scores will be reviewed when they come in, and you will be awarded any credit you have earned.  It is ok to register for classes before your AP credit comes in.  An advisor will reach out to you to help you adjust your schedule if you register for any courses for which you later receive AP credit.

Learn more about AP exam equivalencies 禄

If you participated in a dual enrollment program in high school in which you took some college classes along with your high school classes, you will need to send an official transcript from the college you worked with to the Admission Office at 新加坡六合彩开奖 to receive credit for your work.  You can send the transcript as soon as your grades have posted for your dual enrollment classes.  Your transcript will be reviewed when it comes in, and you will be awarded any credit you have earned.  If you register for your first-semester classes before your dual enrollment credit is applied, be sure to follow up with the AAC when your new credits come in to discuss any potential schedule adjustments based on your dual enrollment credits.
新加坡六合彩开奖 is committed to ensuring all individuals have equal access to its programs, services, and community. Should a student experience a barrier to full participation related to a documented disability, they should collaborate with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to explore what accommodations they may be eligible for.  Please contact the Student Accessibility Services office with any questions at
College sometimes seems like it has its own language that you need to learn to understand what is going on.  If you come across a word or phrase connected to your time at 新加坡六合彩开奖 that you do not understand, look through our glossary to see if you can find a definition there.  If you search the glossary and still cannot figure out what it means, feel free to check in with your Academic Advisor for help, too.